Monday, August 13, 2007

New Halo 3 Flamethrower and Fire Grenade

IGN has posted a new weapon that can be wielded by the Master Chief. The flamethrower! After 7 years, Bungie has decided to throw this weapon back into the growing array of lethals objects. The flamethrower while probably awkward to use against Brutes will probably prove invaluable for keeping the Flood at bay.
The chief holds the flamer like the detached turret gun. Here's the bad ass pic:

Another incendiary device is the fire grenade. More commonly known as the flash grenade, it allows you to set up a wall of fire around yourself and an opponent. daze opponents(and yourself) for a limited amount of time. This opens up new strategic options, especially when working in 4 player co-op.

Both weapons can be seen as really good defensive weapons both against the Flood and the Baby Kongs.

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